- Professor of Comparative Religion and Culture Dr. Jimmy Jones was tapped by the Washington (DC) Theological Consortium to Deliver the Prestigious Annual Muslim-Christian Dialogue Dr Taha Al Alwani Lecture on the topic – “The Rise of Islamic Education for Leaders and the Contribution to Theological Education in the U.S.” on March 16 at HBCU Howard University. Dr. Jones was introduced by Sh. Taha Al Alwani’s daughter Dr. Zainab Alwani, a TISA Visiting Faculty and founding editor of TISA’S ” Journal of Islamic Faith and Practice “. TISA’s Board Chair and Interim President, Dr Iqbal Unus was also in attendance.
- TISA Director of Operations Dr. Bashir Ansari and Executive VP Jimmy Jones helped to organize and staff the historic conference for Imams, Chaplains and Lay Leaders sponsored by the Muslim Endorsement Council (MEC) at the Union Theological Seminary in NYC on March 4 on the critically important topic “Building Core Competencies” TISA’s Board Secretary Ch. Shazeeda Khan is the President of MEC and Treasurer of the multi faith Association of Religious Endorsing Bodies.
- Dr. Bashir Ansari and Dr. Jimmy Jones represent TISA at MEC’s Roundtable of Seminaries that includes American Islamic College, Bayan Islamic Graduate School, Boston Islamic Seminary and Hartford International University of Religion and Peace.
- TISA has a joint degree program in Interreligious Chaplaincy with an Islamic Focus with Union Theological Seminary-Twin Cities (MN).
- TISA’s has affiliate status with the Association of Theological Schools of the US and Canada (The Islamic Seminary of America holds affiliate status with The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada but is not an accredited member of the Association).
- TISA is leading a Jewish, Christian, Muslim Religious Literacy website development project that includes faculty and students from TISA, Perkins School of Divinity at SMU and the Jewish Theological Seminary.
- Prof. Jimmy Jones has been asked to serve on the faculty of the Institute for Islamic Christian and Jewish Studies’ Emerging Religious Leaders Intensive (ERLI), a week-long (June 4-8, 2023) residential interreligious experience for Christian, Jewish and Muslim students training for leadership roles.