Call for Papers, 2024-2025


Advancing Islamic Chaplaincy in North America 

The sixth edition of the Journal will discuss and analyze the theme of Advancing Islamic Chaplaincy in North America.
Papers should focus on how Islamic chaplaincy relates to key contemporary issues facing American Muslims, such as those listed below. We are also open to other topics that fit within the primary theme of this volume.

  • The Changing Landscape of Chaplaincy and its Significance for Muslim Chaplains
  • Religion and Profession: Aligning the Duality of Islamic Chaplaincy
  • The Significance of Religious Endorsement
  • Theological Boundaries: Where and When to Draw the Lines
  • Navigating Personal Biases (Implicit or Explicit) Through a Qur’ānic Perspective on Justice
  • Gender-Based Experiences of Muslim Chaplains: The Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Responsibilities of Seminaries in Islamic Chaplaincy Pedagogy
  • The Responsibilities of Institutions in Islamic Chaplaincy Pedagogy
  • What Does the Future of Islamic Chaplaincy in America Look Like?
  • The Case for a CPE Model Based on the Islamic Paradigm
  • Practical Approaches for Addressing and Overcoming Systemic Biases
  • Exercising Pastoral Authority: Balancing Compassion, Leadership, Ethics, and Knowledge
  • Reflections on the Challenges and Opportunities Facing Islamic Chaplaincy Students in Seminaries, Universities, and Colleges
The timeline for peer review and publication is approximately 8 to 12 months.

This issue will include any of the following types of academic articles. Shorter reflection pieces, abstracts or research briefings, book reviews, and conference reports related to the current theme are also welcomed.

  • Original research findings: How do we understand these empirical research findings as they relate to Islamic chaplaincy? What can the American Muslim community learn from these findings and conclusions?
  • Theoretical articles: How do we examine and analyze American Muslim contributions in terms of developing methodologies and frameworks to approach the Qur’ān, Sunnah, and Islamic traditions as they relate to Islamic chaplaincy?
  • Historical studies: How do we read and examine historical events, individuals, and organizations that influence the American Muslim community’s understanding and practice of Islamic chaplaincy?
  • American Islamic praxis articles: How do we examine the new practices, traditions, and cultures developing within the American Muslim community as they relate to Islamic chaplaincy?
  • Case studies, qualitative interviews, and oral histories of key individuals or organizations: How do we examine and evaluate the conduct of American Muslims’ religious leadership, including the role of scholars, imams, chaplains, and institutions, concerning responding to the internal and external challenges related to Islamic chaplaincy?
We are looking for graduate students, academics, and professionals with experience in the field who can submit book reviews for publication. Book reviews should review and critique books from the perspective of Muslim chaplains, Islamic chaplaincy, and how relevant and/or effective the books are in relation to the theme of chaplaincy. In particular, we are looking for the following books to be reviewed: 

1. Caregiving to Muslims: A guide for chaplains, counselors, healthcare and social workers by Muhammad Hatim (2017)
2. Islamic Spiritual Care: Theory and Practices by Nazila Isgandarova (2019) 
3. Chaplain’s Guide to Death in Islam: Philosophical, Jurisprudential, Moral, and Legal Considerations by Safi Haider (2020) 
4. Islam in Prison: Finding Faith, Freedom and Fraternity by Matthew Wilkinson, Lamia Irfan, Muzammil Quraishi, and Mallory Schneuwly Purdie (2023) 
5. An American Muslim Guide to the Art and Life of Preaching by Sohaib Sultan and revised by Martin Nguyen (2023) 
6. The Imam and the Atheist by Mohamed A. Azeez (2023) 
7. American Imam: From Pop Stardom to Prison Abolition by Taymullah Abdur-Rahman (2024)

Click here for a complete guide for Book Reviewers.
Guidelines for Authors 

The Journal of Islamic Faith and Practice Invites: 

  • Social science- and humanities-based academic papers reflecting on all aspects related to the current theme: 7,000-10,000 words.
  • Shorter reflection pieces by activists, imams, and chaplains: 2,000-3,000 words.
  • Abstracts of dissertations, theses, and research findings related to the American Muslim community, especially about the current theme: 700-1,000 words.
  • Reviews of books relevant to Islamic practice in America and American Muslims, especially about the current theme: 1,000-2,000 words.
  • Short reports on conferences, workshops, and intensives related to the American Muslim community, especially about the current theme: 1,000-2,000 words.

Assembly of the Manuscript: Standard academic papers should be 7,000-10,000 words in length or longer if approved by the editor. The article should be in Microsoft Word format. All submissions must conform to the Journal guidelines: original, unpublished research; double-spaced and single-sided; and in the Chicago (Author-Date) Style.

The manuscript of an academic article should contain the following parts: a title, an abstract, 3- 5 keywords, text, footnotes, references, tables, figures, and appendices. Not all papers will have all the elements. However, if they do, this is the order in which they would generally be arranged.

Submission of the Manuscript: 

  • Short abstract: Send a brief note of intent to contribute noting the type, scope, and focus of your submission by March 1, 2024. You will receive a note of acceptance/non-acceptance by April 15, 2024.
  • Draft for review: Send the completed paper by September 30, 2024, as an attachment, along with a 250-word abstract, 3-5 keywords, and a maximum 150-word author bio.
  • Tentative decision date after peer review: November 15, 2024,
  • Tentative submission deadline of revised manuscript: January 2, 2025
  • Planned publication date: February 2025
Submissions are accepted via e-mail: