A Politics and Pandemic Status Report
This article was published by the Institute of social policy and understanding. The original article can be found here:American Muslim Poll 2022: A Politics and Pandemic Status Report | ISPU

Fielded between mid-February and mid-March, American Muslim Poll 2022: A Politics and Pandemic Status Report provides a snapshot of American Muslims and Americans of other faiths as well as no faith two years into the COVID-19 pandemic as we enter a new phase of living with the virus. Findings from American Muslim Poll also reflect a nation facing economic struggles, continued racial inequity, gun violence, and an ever-growing partisan divide. With midterm elections taking place this fall, many hot-button issues are top of mind for Americans.
In its sixth installment, this poll presents an updated demographic profile of American Muslims, diving into markers previously presented and new ones, including military service and jobs created, to further flesh out a profile of a growing and changing community. We again measured the Islamophobia Index among several American faith groups and those who do not affiliate with a faith community. This survey also expands the areas of study of institutional and individual Islamophobia and bullying to cover not only “brick and mortar” engagements but online spaces.