The sacred month is coming to a close and, for many of us, maintaining the excitement and motivation we had at the start of the Muharram is increasingly difficult as we approach it’s final days. With a week left until we greet the month of Safar, let us endeavor to make the most of the remaining time in the blessed month so we can reap it’s generous reward.
Remember, since our deeds carry more weight right now, there is an opportunity to gain more reward every day; but also the danger of gaining more sins with our bad deeds. Strive hard, whether in your relationships, at work, in your worship, or just being mindful of how you spend your time and take care of your health. Remember, your body has rights over you, so try to get proper rest and nutrition. Make an effort to follow a bad deed with a good deed, increase in fasting and charity, practice patience and be merciful to others, and consider doing more adhkar and Quran study.
We are reminded, in today’s environment, how fleeting life can truly be… so reflect deeply and endeavor to approach these remaining blessed days with enthusiasm and gratitude, preparing for the next life as best you can.