An enlightening series of pre-Ramadan 2025 book talks featuring our esteemed Executive Vice President, Dr. Jimmy Jones, Board Chair Dr. Iqbal Unus, Dean of Qurtuba Institute Dr. Nassimi, TISA student alum Ust. Michael Wolfender, students Sr. Anika Munshi, and Sh Chad Earl. Thought-provoking discussions that will deepen your understanding of our community’s values.
In The Ethics of Disagreement in Islam Dr. al `Alwani sheds light on the positive aspects of disagreement and shows how the early generations of Muslims put it to use as a fecund and vitalizing facet of their society. To fashion a viable Muslim civilization argues Dr. al `Alwani, Muslims must relearn the art and etiquette of agreeing to disagree and thus become more capable of dealing with potentially divisive situations and issues. More importantly, however, they must master the methods of making disagreement work for them, rather than against them.
Panelists: Dr. Jimmy Jones, Professor of Comparative Religion and Culture, TISA Dr. Iqbal Unus, Chair of Board of Trustees and Acting President, TISA Dr. Daoud Nassimi, Dean of Qurtuba Institute, ADAMS
Dwell in Tranquility – An Islamic Roadmap to the Vibrant Marriage. Virtually everything we embark on in life requires some training and education, and marriage is no exception. This practical marriage guide combines the sublime knowledge of Islamic teachings with scientific research and real-life counseling experiences. Thought-provoking exercises help spouses or potential spouses understand themselves and each other, recognize true compatibility in a partner, avoid common pitfalls within marriage, and build a strong and loving partnership.
Panelists: Dr. Jimmy Jones, Professor of Comparative Religion and Culture, TISA Ustadha Ferdous Abdul Salaam Davis Sr. Anika Munshi, Licensed Professional Counselor, LPC / TISA Student
Eleven years ago, Why Gender Matters broke ground in illuminating the differences between boys and girls–how they perceive the world differently, how they learn differently, how they process emotions and take risks differently. Dr. Sax argued that in failing to recognize these hardwired differences between boys and girls, we ended up reinforcing damaging stereotypes, medicalizing normal behavior (see: the rising rates of ADHD diagnosis), and failing to support kids to reach their full potential. In the intervening decade, the world has changed drastically, with an avalanche of new research which supports, deepens, and expands Dr. Sax’s work.
Panelists: Dr. Jimmy Jones, Professor of Comparative Religion and Culture, TISA Ustadh Michael Wolfender, Founder of Quran Intuitive / TISA Student Sr. Anika Munshi, Licensed Professional Counselor, LPC / TISA Student
The Autobiography of Malcolm X stands as the definitive statement of a movement and a man whose work was never completed but whose message is timeless. Through a life of passion and struggle, Malcolm X became one of the most influential figures of the 20th Century. In this riveting account, he tells of his journey from a prison cell to Mecca, describing his transition from hoodlum to Muslim minister. Here, the man who called himself “the angriest Black man in America” relates how his conversion to true Islam helped him confront his rage and recognize the brotherhood of all mankind.
Panelists: Dr. Jimmy Jones, Professor of Comparative Religion and Culture, Sh. Chad Earl, Resident Scholar IACC/TISA Student
The African American population in the United States has always been seen as a single entity: a “Black America” with unified interests and needs. In his groundbreaking book, Disintegration, Pulitzer-Prize winning columnist Eugene Robinson argues that over decades of desegregation, affirmative action, and immigration, the concept of Black America has shattered. Instead of one black America, now there are four:
• a Mainstream middle-class majority with a full ownership stake in American society;
• a large, Abandoned minority with less hope of escaping poverty and dysfunction than at any time since Reconstruction’s crushing end;
• a small Transcendent elite with such enormous wealth, power, and influence that even white folks have to genuflect;
• and two newly Emergent groups—individuals of mixed-race heritage and communities of recent black immigrants—that make us wonder what “black” is even supposed to mean.
Speaker: Dr. Jimmy Jones, Professor of Comparative Religion and Culture, TISA
Stay tuned for upcoming sessions!
TISA is a premier American Islamic Graduate Institution dedicated to cultivating a generation of world-class doers and thinkers who lead from an Islamic paradigm while engaging contemporary challenges and opportunities.
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