Brother Abdul-Muhaymin has been chosen as TISA’s first Tayba Scholar, masha’Allah! Through our strategic partnership with the Tayba Foundation, we are offering full-tuition scholarships to individuals recommended by Tayba leadership to pursue their Master’s level education at TISA.
Brother Abdul-Muhaymin has been carefully selected for his passionate dedication to serve his community, his exemplary work ethic, and his clear potential to serve as a dynamic leader in the American Muslim Community. In setting the pace for this program, we are excited to welcome him to the institution and look forward to his contribution to this important work.
A few words from our Scholar…
As an Academy Instructor & Reentry Case Manager at Tayba Foundation, I have witnessed a great deal of Baraka from my relationship with Tayba over the years. With my current educational path designed to provide me with the necessary tools to serve the Muslim community as a whole – with a specific focus on the needs of the African American Muslim and Non Muslim population – I am excited at the opportunity to attend The Islamic Seminary of America!
Studying at TISA is a great blessing from Allah and a noble opportunity to show the world that the ability to transcend oppressive obstacles is present in all men and women who have come from similar situations, just as I have experienced. I have always wanted to do academic research and writing since I was a child, and this graduate degree from TISA is my entry into the realm of academia. I have been studying traditionally for the last eight years, and this is a great complement to my traditional studies, Al Hamdulillah.
Having a strong desire to be of service and working with some of the most vulnerable and underserved people in our community, I find TISA’s vision and mission to be a solid opportunity to connect the world of academia with the people of the inner cities. I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this initiative, and I ask Allah to bring about a great deal of good from this for myself and everyone involved – from the Tayba Foundation and TISA, to the donors and everyone who supports this project and the work of both institutions.