On July 8, 2023, the Islamic Seminary of America (TISA) hosted our VIP luncheon for leaders of the Dallas-Fort Worth Muslim community. The event was held at the Hilton-Richardson (TX) and featured presentations by Dean Sh. Dr. Yasir Qadhi, Board Chair Dr. Iqbal Unus, Board Treasurer Dr. Alim Khandekar, Board Member Br. Azhar Azeez, and Executive Vice President Dr....
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During the week of June 4, 2023, Professor of Comparative Religion and Culture, Dr. Jimmy Jones, gave a presentation on Muslims in America to more than 30 seminary students from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim graduate schools.   According to Dr. Jones, “This 4-day workshop hosted by the Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies (ICJS) provided an...
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Shahzia Rahman is a mom of 2 girls and a recent transplant to Dallas from Southern California. She worked at Google in online marketing and advertising before leaving her job to raise and homeschool her daughters. She has worked with the Muslim Community for many years and has focused on empowering Muslim Women by helping them...
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