Baheejah Aaliyah Fareed is the founder of the Gratitude Gift Giving Initiative and PR Executive for Jabalu-Nur Foundation Inc.
Personal vision/mission as a current or aspiring leader in the Muslim community:
The global pandemic that we have experienced over the past few years has inspired me and leaders in my community to start an initiative to show gratitude in a personal and meaningful way to the healthcare workers who took care of people and continue to in various emergencies. This is a great way for Muslims and minorities especially, to represent themselves as people who care (we are not always portrayed that way in the media). Anyone who wants to be involved can sponsor quality, luxury hand and foot care gift bags and help us hand them to the healthcare workers as well. Our purchases of these gift sets additionally help small business owners who could use support. Everyone is welcome and encouraged visit our website: https://www.gratitudegiftgiving.com/ or call me @ (469) 956-7426 to participate in this effort.
How does the TISA and the VLA help you achieve your mission?
TISA and the VLA workshop experience is helping me and my team to achieve our goals by providing knowledge and thought-provoking synergistic leadership strategies to carry with us throughout our journey. Learning about the leadership of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. as it relates to our communities from Professor Jimmy, the awe-inspiring lives of Muslim women scholars throughout the ages by Anse Tamara, the essential leadership tools such as S.M.A.R.T. from Professor McGee, the awareness, competency, and resources for suicide prevention in our communities by Dr. Rania, have left a profound impact on our mission with the Gratitude Gift Giving initiative.
The Gratitude Gift Giving initiative in shaa’ Allaah will be an ongoing endeavor in which we hope to show appreciation to each and every healthcare worker around the world. We have purchased the initial gift sets and are in the process of collecting more to go out to hospitals in Texas first. May Allaah Azawajal bless the staff and faculty at TISA with Jannah Firdaus, Aameen! Thank You! We sincerely appreciate their continuous efforts to make the world a better place!